Kadeswara C Subramaniam, the State President of Hindu Munnani, has sharply criticized Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin for not visiting the Swami Vivekananda Memorial after inaugurating the glass bridge pathway to the Thiruvalluvar statue and the Vivekananda memorial rock in Kanyakumari. Subramaniam urged the Chief Minister to abandon his perceived anti-Hindu stance and adopt a more neutral approach for the sake of all communities.
In a statement, Kadeswara C. Subramaniam said, “The Hindu Munnani strongly condemns the deliberate insult of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin, who inaugurated the glass bridge path to the Thiruvalluvar statue and the Swami Vivekananda memorial rock in Kanyakumari, by not visiting the Vivekananda memorial.
He elaborated on Vivekananda’s significance, stating, “Swami Vivekananda is a symbol of India. He brought Indian Hinduism into the global spotlight and elevated it worldwide. Swami Vivekananda’s ideas inspire many foreigners from around the world to visit where he penanced. Swami Vivekananda was the one who exalted service to the poor and the marginalized. In honor of his memory, people from all walks of life, regardless of political differences, played a major role in erecting a memorial on the rock where the brave monk meditated is an indelible history. Goddess Parvati performed penance on a rock in the middle of the Kumari Sea, at the southern tip of India, standing on one leg and praying to Lord Shiva, who resided in Kailash. Upon learning this, Swami Vivekananda swam to the rock in the middle of the sea and engaged in intense penance for three days. Impressed by Vivekananda’s penance, the Goddess appeared before him as Raja Rajeshwari, the Mother of India. Following this, Swami Vivekananda participated in the World’s Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, USA. There, he amazed the world by sharing the greatness of Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda is a treasure of India. His journey of triumph began in Kanyakumari. However, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin has refused to visit the sacred place where such a great man performed his penance.”
Subramaniam also criticized the Chief Minister’s minority appeasement policies, highlighting contradictions in his actions, “Everyone in India should recognize the nature of this anti-Hindu mentality. It was Eknath Ranade, the head of the committee that built the memorial for Swami Vivekananda, who insisted on erecting a statue of Thiruvalluvar at this site. The foundation stone was laid during the MGR regime in 1979, The DMK is attempting to hide this history. Additionally, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin, who has participated in various programs, announced the launch of three passenger boats for visiting the Thiruvalluvar statue and these boats will be named Kamaraj, Nesamani, and G.U. Pope, respectively. Why the name of Christian missionary, Pope (chosen)? Kanyakumari is the birthplace of many poets from the Sangam era. The place where many poets lived as mentioned by Tolkappiyar in the Tolkappiyam. The Chief Minister, who refuses to remember it, will not add any glory to Kanyakumari by naming such a prestigious place after the Pope for vote bank politics.”
Subramaniam further slammed out the commercial implications of the government’s plans, “Moreover, the decision to charge a fee for walking on the glass bridge built by the Tamil Nadu government to visit the Thiruvalluvar statue is not only an act of commercialism but also a disrespect to the saintly poet Valluvar himself.”
Subramaniam concluded by calling for a more inclusive leadership, “Just as the Chief Minister inaugurates free marriages, Annadhanam, and other events funded solely by temple contributions through video conferencing without visiting the temples, the Chief Minister has also avoided coming to the Vendhar memorial after inaugurating the Swami Vivekananda Mandapam and the Thiruvalluvar statue walkway, thinking that Swami Vivekananda is a saint only for Hindus. Chief Minister, Swami Vivekananda is a saint for Indian nation. I don’t know when the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu will come to understand this. And why is the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister only promoting anti-Hindu sentiments in all matters, not just for Tamil Nadu? This is not good for this country either.! Moreover, such an act of the Chief Minister is an insult to the crores of people who respect and admire Swami Vivekananda. Therefore, the Hindu Munnani insists that the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu should act as a neutral Chief Minister for all the people, instead of seeing everything as vote politics..”
சுவாமி விவேகானந்தரை அவமதித்து இந்து மதத்தின் மீதான வன்மத்தை மீண்டும் காட்டிய தமிழக முதல்வர் ஸ்டாலினுக்கு இந்து முன்னணி கண்டனம்- மாநிலத் தலைவர் காடேஸ்வரா சி. சுப்பிரமணியம் அவர்களின் பத்திரிகை அறிக்கை#kanyakumari#thiruvalluvar#vivekanandhar#stallin#Hindumunnani… pic.twitter.com/ogxZKJ5ig7
— Hindu Munnani (@hindumunnani_tn) January 1, 2025
(With inputs from Hindu Munnani)
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