The Tamil Nadu government’s Department of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) announced a plan on 30 December 2024 to increase its gold deposit to 1,000 kg by the end of the year under the Gold Deposit Scheme. This initiative involves converting gold jewels offered by devotees at various temples into 24-carat gold bars to generate revenue for temple maintenance and improvements. The department, led by State Minister PK Sekarbabu, has already collected 776 kg 272 grams of gold from small jewels donated by devotees, which have been sent to Mumbai for melting and transformation into gold bars.
The revenue generated from the interest of these deposits is expected to contribute approximately ₹10 crore annually, which will be reinvested in enhancing facilities for temple-goers and maintaining the temples. Sekarbabu highlighted that this scheme was revived after the DMK government came to power in 2021, with the department having already converted over 472 kg of gold into bars since then.
Hindu Munnani Condemns
However, the initiative has drawn sharp criticism from the Hindu Munnani, a right-wing Hindu organization, which has strongly condemned the focus on melting temple jewels for financial gain. The group raised concerns about the government’s priorities, questioning why there is no equivalent effort to restore and repair the thousands of temples across the state that are in a state of disrepair.
In a statement, Hindu Munnani leaders expressed their dismay over the government’s target of converting 1,000 kg of gold into bars, urging officials to redirect their focus toward the preservation of temple heritage instead of melting precious artifacts. “Why is there no goal to rebuild the thousands of temples that are in a state of disrepair and destruction?” the group demanded. They emphasized that the resources and passion devoted to accumulating gold should also be directed towards the protection and maintenance of the temples, which hold cultural and spiritual significance for millions of Hindus.
தங்கத்தை உருக்க இலக்கு
இந்த ஆண்டு1000 டன் கோயில் நகைகளை உருக்கி தங்க கட்டிகளாக மாற்ற இலக்கு நிர்ணயிக்கும் அமைச்சர் சேகர் பாபு..
சிதலமடைந்த அழியும் நிலையில் உள்ள பல்லாயிர கணக்கான கோயிலை புணரமைக்க ஏன் இலக்கு வைக்கவில்லை..
தங்கத்தின் மீது காட்டும் ஆர்வத்தில் ஒரு சதவீதமாவது…
— Hindu Munnani (@hindumunnani_tn) January 4, 2025
(With inputs from DT Next)
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