Here are the winners of the 2nd Newsful Quiz

The Commune in association with X Quiz It conducted the 2nd Newsful Quiz on July 19, 2020. Close to 300 quiz enthusiasts had participated. The quiz had questions related to events from across the world that grabbed the headlines in the past few months with a special focus on science and technology. From Aavin’s new Shakti buttermilk to NASA’s Perseverance Mars Mission, quizzers were tested on a wide range of topics.

First 3 winners of the quiz walked away with cash prizes worth 500, 300 and 200 respectively.

1st Prize – Jayakanthan

Mr. Jayakanthan from Chennai walked away with the first prize. He is one of the top quizzers in the country and has won some of the prestigious quizzing events.

2nd Prize – R. Balaji


The second spot was taken by Mr. Balaji from Chennai, a news buff who cannot start his day without a newspaper. He runs his own business and is passionate about current affairs.


3rd Prize – B. Yasaswini

Yasaswini, a law student from Chennai took the third prize. She has a keen interest in quizzing and has been participating in several quizzes during the lockdown period.




The Commune and X Quiz It congratulates all the winners!