Google is back with yet another amazing feature

On Monday, Google came out with a new and interesting feature to avoid crowds when using public transit. It will inform the user about the COVID19 checkpoints and restrictions along the route when the user looks for public transit directions.

Google Maps has launched transit alerts for those using public transport in countries like Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, UK, and the US.

The product manager of Google Maps, Ramesh Nagarajan, in a statement said that “Through this new feature, we are introducing driving alerts and this will also notify about the checkpoints and restrictions in the route”. He further added, “People can now simply search for a station in Google Maps or tap on the station on the map and they will get to see the available departure board and busyness data”.

This new feature will give the Google Map users alert about the threats of coronavirus and will make them precautious about what is coming ahead in their way. Those with proper plans to visit outdoors for several reasons will be benefitted from this new feature as they can access no/low risks routes for their work to get done. Alerts will guide them to avoid high-risk areas.