While Chennai reels from the horrific sexual assault of a young woman at Anna University, allegedly perpetrated by a DMK cadre, Thanthi TV, a prominent Dravidian media outlet, chose this moment to post a deeply offensive “poll” on social media. The poll, aimed at “engaging” viewers, asked them to choose their favorite “trending sister” from a list including “Tailor Akka,” “Devotional Akka,” “Gym Akka,” and “Yoga Akka.” This blatant sexualization of the term “Akka,” mirroring the objectification of “Bhabhi” in Hindi-speaking regions, has sparked widespread outrage.
Just as the news of the sexual assault in Chennai’s Anna University started circulating on social media and other networks, it came to light that the perpetrator was a DMK cadre. Like a typical mouthpiece and an able “soldier” of the ruling dispensation, various Dravidianist media began employing diversionary tactics to take the limelight away from the heinous assault on to something trivial.
Thanthi TV, in that context, took this too literally and stopped too low especially when people were still reeling from teh shock of the assault that happened during busy hours of the evening in the heart of the city deemed to be the among the safest in the country.
In the evening of 25 December 2024, Thanthi TV posted a very crass “poll” sexualising the word “Akka“. The caption read, “People’s Review | Who among the trending sisters this year do you support?”
The options given were Tailor Akka, Devotional Akka, GYM Akka, Yoga Akka.
மக்கள் Review | இந்த ஆண்டு Trending ஆன அக்காக்களில் உங்களின் பக்கா ஆதரவு யாருக்கு?
— Thanthi TV (@ThanthiTV) December 25, 2024
It is very clear how the word Akka has been sexualised in this context just like how Bhabhi is in the Hindi speaking states.
To post such a vulgar poll in the name of engagement at a time when a young woman was brutally assaulted by men, one of whom turned out to be a DMK cadre, reeks of indecency.
Netizens slammed Thanthi TV for the post, but the handle has not removed it from their social media yet.
Here are some netizen reactions:
It's really a shame @ThanthiTV
தலைநகரில் திமுக நிர்வாகி ஒருத்தன் பாலியல் சீண்டல் செஞ்சு மொத்த பல்கலைகழக மாணவர்களும் போராட்டம் பண்ணிட்டு இருக்காங்க
அதெல்லாம் விட்டுட்டு இப்படி கேவலமான poll வச்சு எதை திசைதிருப்புகிறீர்கள்?நீங்கள் தான் ஜனநாயகத்தின் 4வது தூனா?#ShameOnYouStalin https://t.co/nkm6zXIrJn
— தீரன் (@karthik_nmkl) December 25, 2024
This is Vanthi TV https://t.co/5HUPoU7g5P
— Ondippulee | ஒண்டிப்புலி (@Ondippulee) December 25, 2024
You're a news channel ffs!! https://t.co/EvrqMsuGpk
— Clark_Kent (@Clark_Kent_1_8) December 25, 2024
This is beyond disgusting da dei @ThanthiTV https://t.co/wLmNlrF47Q
— Mathur Sathya J (@captmatsat) December 25, 2024
The Sexual Assault At Anna University – What Happened?
On 23 December 2024, a woman, who was in a two-year relationship with a fellow student, was attacked while spending time with her boyfriend at a secluded spot on campus.
Two unknown individuals approached the couple, assaulted the boyfriend, and sexually harassed the woman. The assailants forced her to strip, filmed her without consent, threatened her, and fled the scene. The traumatized victim later reported the incident to the Kotturpuram police.
In connection with the case, police have arrested 37-year-old Gnanasekaran, a roadside biryani vendor from Kotturpuram with multiple pending cases against him. The police have filed charges under Section 64 of the BNSS and are actively investigating the matter.
The victim also lodged a complaint with the university’s POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) committee. Meanwhile, the Chennai police, in collaboration with the university, are working to enhance campus security.
However, it came to light that the accused Gnanasekaran is a repeat offender and a DMK functionary. Pictures circulating on social media show him alongside several prominent DMK leaders, including Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and Minister Ma. Subramanian.
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