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From Joe Biden To Johnny Depp, How The Leftist And Democrats Called For Violence Against Trump

Former US President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt on 13 July 2024 during a rally for the upcoming Presidential elections in the United States of America.

On the one hand, American media tried to play down the incident with their extremely toned-down reporting.

On the other, Democrats and leftists – celebrities and politicians alike, called for violence against Donald Trump over the years.

Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and a member of the Democratic Party, had said, “Throw a punch” – not once but multiple times.

Senator Jon Tester, speaking to MSNBC, said, “Donald Trump, I think we need to go back and punch him in the face.”

Yet another Democrat/supporter says on a TV show that Trump must have been punched in the face.

President Joe Biden himself has called for violence against Trump several times – one of his oft-repeated dialogues is, “I’d take him behind the gym if I were in high school and beat the hell out of him.”

Just a couple of days ago, Biden said, “Most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation.”

Yet another member of the Democratic Party, Representative Maxine Waters had also said, “I will go and take Trump out tonight!”

Speaking at a public rally, she also instigated violence by saying, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a dept store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them.”

Former Michigan State Representative, Cynthia A Johnson, was seen (in an older video) warning Trump supporters. She said, “This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.”

Another Democrat/supporter called for putting “a bullet in Donald Trump.”

Hollywood actors Johnny Depp and Robert De Niro have also been found calling for violence against Trump.

Depp said, “When was the last time an actor assassinated the President?”

De Niro said, “I’d like to punch him in the face.”

Singer Madonna also said, “I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,”

TV personality and show host Ellen DeGeneres in an episode of her show with current VP Kamala Harris asked Kamala, “If you are stuck in an elevator with President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” Harris replied, “Just one of us has to come out alive”, followed by her cackling evil-like laughter.

A Democrat on a programme on MSNBC says, “People need to start taking to the streets, this is a dictator.”

US Representative for Massachusetts, Ayanna Pressley says, “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.”

Several others even called for “wringing the neck,” a TV anchor, Samantha Bee asked Trump’s daughter Ivanka “Do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless c*nt”

Another on CNN said, “Biggest ever threat in this country is white men, radicalised to the right”

There have been depictions of violence against Trump in the form of skits, in the form of holding a bloody “head” as Kathy Griffin did in 2017.


It has always been the Democrats and the leftists in America who have called for violence and unrest in the state and violence against Donald Trump.

Their way of words and working is very similar to how the left and Congress supporters call for Modi’s death and violence in India.

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