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Former I-PAC employee alleges harassment by company, claims threat to life

A few days ago, a former employee of Indian-Political Action Committee (I-PAC), took to LinkedIn and published a suicide note levelling serious allegations on the company as well as its head Prashant Kishor.

The person identified as Kiran Patil from Mumbai posted on his LinkedIn account that he had been subjected to continuous harassment when he was working at I-PAC and hence was being forced to end his life.

In his post he said that the organization was run by a goon named Prashant Kishor having a big clout in Indian politics and hence the police were not accepting a complaint against him.

“The organization is after my life since over a year now, they even tried to kill me by giving drugs which could cause brain haemorrhage.”, Patil wrote.

He said that I-PAC hacked his personal mobile and laptop. He also said that the company had denied him giving the relieving letter as a result of which he lost a chance to go to ISB.

Tagging Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the post, he mentioned that he had already written to him via a LinkedIn post but to no avail.

Following this, I-PAC had put out a statement that saying that Patil had sent his resignation on 14th December 2019 and that they couldn’t complete his exit formalities because the organization received a sexual harassment complaint against him from a female employee on December 15 (the next day after Patil put his papers). It said that Patil is yet to participate in the Internal Complaints Committee proceedings.

Patil later came out with another post saying that he was contacted by the SP city Jalgaon over phone who had counselled him to not take any extreme step and follow the legal route. He said that local police officers came to his house and counselled him to legal action against the organisation. He also said that sexual harassment charges against him are completely baseless and false. He also mentioned that a person named Subhash Tanan even called my parents and threatened them.

“The organisation is filthy to say the least, they run entire subisidiaries on black money, I have already complained about that to even income tax department in the past to no avail” he wrote in his post.

He noted in his post that he is going to pursue the matter legally.

In another post by Patil 3 days ago he said that his manager Zulfikar Shaikh immediately accepted on December 14 and had replied to him about getting relieved on December 16.

“But suddenly on 15th of December 2019 a fake case was filed against me and my relieving is pending since then and they are continuously harrasaing me since last 10 months, using power of their filthy money and political prowess.

Anonymous people made calls to me told me that IPAC is funded by Andhra CM Jagan Reddy, and IPAC would kill me any day.”, he wrote.

“I am surviving somehow in this trauma for the last 10 months now, my chances of going for the further education are gone and my entire career, future and life is in jeopardy.”, he said in his post.

It is to be noted that DMK has engaged Prashant Kishor and his I-PAC team to chart out the victory strategy for the Assembly polls to be held in 2021. Earlier, many complaints about the way I-PAC was recruiting gullible youngsters and college students was reported.

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