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Flash floods kill 70 in Afghanistan

A recent flash flood that happened as a result of sudden downpour killed more than 70 in Afghanistan on Wednesday. It also ended up destroying hundreds of homes just north of Afghanistan’s capital.

Provinces like Maidan, Wardak and Nangahar also experienced a heavy loss of lives due to this disaster, as well as through eight other northern provinces of the country.

The Parwan province experienced a heavy downpour late on Tuesday night, which stretched out into the early hours of Wednesday. This caused a sudden flash flood, washing away men, women and children and destroying 300 homes, according to Ministry of Disaster Management spokesman Ahmad Tamim Azimi. Rescuers searched through mud throughout the day for bodies, with the confirmed death toll at 72, and at least 90 injured, Azimi added. He went on to say that climate change was the reason these floods have caused more damage than is usually observed due to a heavy downpour. The government’s spokesperson said on Twitter that appropriate measures were being taken to combat the losses caused by these flash floods.The disaster comes as the war-torn nation already faces a sinking economy due to the coronavirus pandemic and as violence continues despite the United States attempting to usher peace talks between the Afghan government and insurgent Taliban.

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