Kavin, the son of Tamil Nadu’s School Education Minister Mahesh, recently earned a certificate of appreciation for his achievements in innovation during an event organized by Anna University’s ‘Educational Entrepreneurship Development Centre.’ The programme, which recognized the best inventions from government and private school students, saw Minister Mahesh proudly presenting certificates, including one to his son.
Speaking about the recognition, Minister Mahesh expressed pride in his son’s accomplishments, stating, “Beyond academic studies, I am proud as a father when my son talks about something like inventions.” Kavin, an eighth grader at an ICSE Curriculum School in Alwarpet, Chennai, shared his perspective on his academic journey, highlighting his ease with mathematics and the challenges he faces with French, which he studies as a language subject.
Interestingly, Kavin noted that Tamil was not included in his curriculum as a language subject.
Kavin, an 8th-grade student at private school in Alwarpet, Chennai, was among the recipients. News spread that he was allegedly hand-picked to be part of the project team for his father’s sake. The minister’s public gesture of patting his son on the shoulder and expressing pride further fueled speculation about the fairness of the selection process.
In an interview that went viral, Kavin’s candid remarks raised even more questions. When asked about the project, he admitted, “It is not my idea; it is my group mates’ idea. I did not help much with the project.” Shockingly, he also revealed that he only learned about the project the day before the event, adding, “I don’t know how to react to winning the prize. I am a little happy to receive it from my father.”
The project, described as a biotech insurance startup aimed at streamlining loan disbursements and insurance, was supposedly a team effort. However, Kavin’s disinterest and lack of involvement highlighted concerns over why he was included in the first place. Critics wondered if the minister used his position to secure undue recognition for his son, undermining the integrity of the programme meant to celebrate genuine student innovation.
This has sparked some debate, particularly given the DMK government’s strong stance against Hindi in favor of protecting Tamil. The minister’s son’s decision to not take Tamil as a language subject has raised eyebrows, especially within a government that fiercely advocates for the preservation of Tamil language and culture.
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