Following the Congress and its allies at the centre, who have been spreading a narrative accusing the BJP of being “anti-Ambedkar” and “anti-Dalit,” the DMK and Dravidianist ecosystem have jumped on the bandwagon, falsely claiming that Union Home Minister Amit Shah insulted Dr BR Ambedkar in his Rajya Sabha speech on December 17, 2024. However, when viewed in full context, Shah’s remarks aimed to criticise the Congress, not disrespecting Ambedkar. Despite this, the narrative was manipulated through selective video clipping and further propagated by political leaders like Udhayanidhi Stalin and others in the DMK ecosystem.
However, when viewed in full context, Amit Shah was not disrespecting the father of the Constitution, Ambedkar, but rather criticizing the Congress party. Despite this, the Congress and DMK ecosystem pushed a narrative by selectively clipping a 12-second segment of Shah’s speech, falsely claiming he spoke against Ambedkar.
After Congress and its allies peddled the narrative, the Dravidian ecosystem, grappling with administrative failures, seized the opportunity and further propagated it in the state.
In this regard, DMK scion and Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Udhayanidhi Stalin said, “We strongly condemn the slanderous statement made by Union Home Minister Amit Shah, “No matter what, they say Ambedkar.. Ambedkar…” Instead of working as a tourist guide to find out where to go, Amit Shah should first properly take care of his responsibilities as Home Minister. If the fascists who are roaming around with a determination, thinking that they can somehow destroy the Constitution given by Ambedkar and gets irritated just by hearing Ambedkar’s name, then let us raise our voices, say his name a hundred more times! Long live Ambedkar! May Ambedkar’s fame rise!”
“எதெற்கெடுத்தாலும் அம்பேத்கர்.. அம்பேத்கர்.. என்று சொல்கிறார்கள்” என ஒன்றிய உள்துறை அமைச்சர் அமித்ஷா அவதூறாக பேசியிருப்பதை வன்மையாக கண்டிக்கிறோம்.
எப்படி எங்கே செல்லலாம் என டூரிஸ்ட் கைடு வேலை பார்ப்பதற்கு பதிலாக, உள்துறை அமைச்சர் பொறுப்பை அமித்ஷா முதலில் சரிவர கவனிக்கட்டும்.…
— Udhay (@Udhaystalin) December 18, 2024
VCK chief Thirumavalavan stated, “How can Savarkar’s descendants tolerate the fact that the entire country is talking about revolutionary Ambedkar? #AmitShah has revealed how much they are fed up. He has torn off his own veil. This is the true face of the Sangh Parivar. The Constitution and revolutionary Ambedkar are their real enemies. This is what the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal has been continuously exposing. All the praise given by the Sangh Parivar to the revolutionary Ambedkar is a great act of deceiving the common people. The revolutionary Ambedkar takes the form of ‘universal form’ (Vishwaroopam). The conspiracy attempts of the Sanadhanis will be in ashes!”
புரட்சியாளர் அம்பேத்கர் அவர்களைப்பற்றி நாடே பேசுகிறது என்பதை சாவர்க்கரின் வாரிசுகளால் எப்படி பொறுத்துக் கொள்ளமுடியும்?
எவ்வளவு வயிற்றெரிச்சல் அவர்களுக்கு என்பதை #அமித்ஷா வெளிப்படுத்தி விட்டார். அவர் தனது முகத்திரையைத் தானே கிழித்துக் கொண்டார். இதுதான் சங்பரிவார்களின் உண்மை…— Thol. Thirumavalavan (@thirumaofficial) December 18, 2024
Expelled VCK General Secretary Aadhav Arjun stated, “Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who came to power according to the Constitution of India, said, ‘Just saying Ambedkar, Ambedkar will not get you to heaven. It is condemnable that he said in Parliament that it has become fashionable to say ‘Ambedkar’. The Constitution brought by that Ambedkar is the reason why many sons of poor mothers, including the Prime Minister and the Home Minister, have achieved political power. That is what has led to widespread political rights for everyone today. Let those who go to heaven in the name of God shall go. But, let us go to the Legislative Assembly and Parliament on the path laid down by the revolutionary Ambedkar, travel on the legal path shown by the political system to win power for the people and create a government and an egalitarian society for all. Therefore, we say loudly, Long live the revolutionary Ambedkar!”
இந்தியாவின் அரசியலமைப்பு சட்டத்தின்படி ஆட்சிக்கு வந்த ஒன்றிய உள்துறை அமைச்சர் அமித்ஷா, 'சும்மா அம்பேத்கர், அம்பேத்கர் என்று சொன்னால் சொர்க்கம் செல்ல முடியாது. அம்பேத்கர் என்று சொல்வது இப்போது ஃபேஷன் ஆகிவிட்டது' என்று நாடாளுமன்றத்திலேயே பேசியிருப்பது கண்டனத்திற்குரியது. அந்த…
— Aadhav Arjuna (@AadhavArjuna) December 18, 2024
But contrary to the misleading claims propagated by the DMK and its ecosystem, Home Minister Amit Shah did not insult Dr. Ambedkar. Instead, he launched a fierce criticism of the Congress party, accusing it of treating the Constitution as its “private property.”
During the debate on the “Glorious Journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India,” Minister Shah remarked, “It has become a fashion to say Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. If they had invoked God’s name that many times, they would have earned a place in heaven.”
Shah expressed that while the BJP welcomed the Congress’s acknowledgment of Dr. Ambedkar, the party should also express its genuine feelings towards him. He pointed out that Ambedkar had resigned from the first Cabinet due to disagreements with the Congress-led government’s policies, including its stance on Article 370. Shah further accused Congress of making several amendments to the Constitution for its own benefit, citing how Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had enacted the first constitutional amendment before the country’s first elections, which “limited freedom of expression.” “You treat the Congress like your family’s property, and now you treat the Constitution the same way,” Shah stated.
The Minister also criticized the Congress and opposition for blaming the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) after electoral defeats. He attacked Congress for its appeasement politics, accusing the party of attempting to break the 50% limit on quotas to extend reservations to the Muslim community.
कांग्रेस की विश्वसनीयता शून्य हो गई है। इसलिए अब भ्रम फैलाने की राजनीति का सहारा लेना पड़ रहा है। गृहमंत्री अमित शाह जी का पूरा बयान कांग्रेस की बाबा साहेब अंबेडकर और दलित समाज के प्रति नफ़रत को उजागर करता है। पूरा भाषण सुनिए।
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) December 17, 2024
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