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DMK IT wing head picks fight with ‘neutral’ political analyst, gets dissed

DMK IT wing head PTR Palanivel Thiagarajan, a fourth generation dynast politician, got publicly insulted after he picked fight with ‘neutral’ political analyst Sumanth C Raman who tweeted that BJP and DMK are ‘two sides of the same coin’.

In a series of tweets Sumanth C Raman had stated that ‘BJP and DMK are two sides of the same coin’ as both the parties ‘seek an other as the enemy’ and say that ‘sins of ancestors must be paid for by their descendants’.

He said that for 80 years a divisive narrative was unchallenged which demonized a minority (Brahmin community) and abused a faith (Hindu faith).

“What the Brahmin was for decades the Muslim & Christian is now becoming. That is just wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.” Sumanth said in his tweet.

He went on to say that he was ‘deeply secular’ and believed in an idea that India belongs to all equally that provides better life for all especially for those less fortunate. It is pertinent to note here that Sumanth C Raman opposed the CAA 2019 and abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, moves that paved way for a better life for the religiously persecuted minorities from the three neighbouring Islamic states living in camps in India and to the Dalits and women of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh respectively.

Sumanth said that he shares no animosity towards those accusing him of anti-BJP and anti-Modi. He continued further stating that DMK and the DK practices the same othering which he does not approve. “Social justice can be achieved without hate/abuse. Being demonized is no fun when you are the victim.”, Sumanth said.

“I want equality for all and yes that includes all castes as temple priests. I do not insult anyones faith. Why should my faith be insulted? If that sounds biased, good luck to you. We see things from which side of the fence we sit. The view from afar may be quite different.” Sumanth concluded his tweet.

In response to this series of tweets, DMK IT wing head Palanivel Thiagarajan who is also the Madurai Central MLA resorted to personal attacks and called Sumath C Raman a ‘pseudo-intellectual who is given space that far exceeds any vestige of competence’.

Irked by this, Sumanth C Raman dissed the DMK IT wing head with a stinging rebuttal stating that generations of wealth, dynastic wealth and foreign education did not give him the grace of public discourse. The DMK IT wing head is known for being a heavy head who quite often keeps flaunting his dynastic privilege, his wealth and even his GRE/GMAT score.

“No wonder your own partymen say what they do about you. Maybe you should hear what they openly say behind your back. Arrogance is never a virtue.” Sumanth said.


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