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DMK functionary abducts PMK candidate in Vellore; PMK leader Dr. Ramadoss condemns act

Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) founder Dr. Ramadoss has condemned the abduction of a PMK candidate Parasuraman contesting from the Vellore Corporation, by DMK District Secretary. For the past few days, all parties have been fielding candidates ahead of the urban local body elections in Tamil Nadu. However, it is being reported that the DMK is involved in some unlawful activities, as a means to win this election in crooked ways.

The tweet that the PMK leader Dr. Ramadoss had released said, “Out of fear of losing, the DMK Secretary of Vellore has abducted the PMK candidate of the 24th zone, Parasuraman, and has threatened him to withdraw from contesting. This is to be condemned! Democracy is about the success of those who earn the respect of the people. Those who do not have the influence, should develop it, rather than threaten others.

The State Election Commission, the police and the DMK leadership should take action against the DMK Secretary who intimidated the PMK candidate.”

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