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DMK Councillor And Goons Attempt To Oust Agastheeswar Temple’s Hereditary Trustee Allegedly At The Behest Of Sekarbabu

The Sri Agastheeswarar Temple in Pozhichalur, Chennai, is at the center of a heated controversy involving allegations of expropriation attempts by local DMK goons.

Reports suggest that Vanaja Dayalan, the DMK President of the Pozhichalur Panchayat Council, is a key player in the efforts to replace the temple’s hereditary trustee with a Dravidian Model government loyalist. This move is allegedly done at the directives of PK Sekar Babu, the Minister of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department.

An audio recording of Vanaja’s conversation with the temple’s hereditary trustee has circulated widely, revealing her aggressive approach. She is heard urging the trustee to meet urgently to resolve the matter, warning of potential unrest if a decision is not made promptly. Vanaja allegedly used intimidation tactics, including the involvement of goons, to coerce the trustee.

Vanaja Dayalan informs the hereditary trustee that they are coming to see him. The trustee responded that he would come to the office downstairs at 5 o’clock. When Dayalan sought clarification about the location, the trustee reiterated that he meant the office downstairs.

Vanaja Dayalan then explained that a decision needed to be made that day, as per Sekar Babu’s instructions. She mentioned that they had come without informing anyone else. She recalled their earlier attempt to meet in the morning, which was unsuccessful due to a death-related absence. Vanaja grew impatient and can be hear stating, “Now we have come, we should speak and take a decision, now you should take the decision what it is.” 

When the trustee asked about the nature of the decision, Vanaja insisted that they needed to discuss it in person. The trustee claimed he wouldn’t know unless told, to which Vanaja responded that speaking over the phone wouldn’t suffice and that they needed to meet in person to discuss the problem directly.

The trustee then inquired about the connection between them, Sekar Babu, and the problem at hand. Vanaja replied that they would discuss this in the evening. She then made a significant statement saying, “It has been one and a quarter year since we have come  to power. Is it our duty to only clean, and lay roads and install lights? Are we brokers? By evening 5 PM, everything should be settled for us or else there will be riots, mind it.”

After these threats, the temple’s hereditary trustee apparently filed a complaint against the goons, which was reportedly ignored. In contrast, complaints from individuals opposing the trustee were acknowledged by the police. There were also claims that goons associated with Vanaja were seen removing CCTV cameras within the temple premises to prevent the collection of evidence.

It is to be noted that, a no-confidence motion was passed in May 2023 by 13 councilors, including members of the DMK, against Vanaja Dayalan. The motion cited her involvement in serial malpractices within the Pozhichalur Panchayat Council, particularly concerning tax matters. Despite these allegations and the support from various councilors, Vanaja continued to hold her position.

Another interesting character who was present at Agastheeswarar Temple along with Vanaja was Karunakaran, who earlier involved in another temple related issue in the same locality. He is a DMK cadre who was earlier jailed for possessing ganja. But he claimed to be the manager of a Saibaba temple built by an orphaned woman who had mysteriously died. He was instrumental in getting her body cremated. Investigations indicated that her death may have been exploited to unlawfully seize her property, particularly due to her unmarried status and absence of immediate heirs.

Adding to the complexity of the Agastheeswarar temple issue, the DMK-affiliated newspaper Dinakaran published a report on 20 March 2024 suggesting that the temple’s recent expropriation was conducted under a Madras High Court order. The report claimed that the temple had been privately managed for 30 years, prompting local residents and devotees to call for government intervention. The court allegedly ordered the temple’s transfer to the Hindu Religious Charities Department.

Following this alleged court order, the temple was taken over by the Charity Department. Officials, including Charity Commissioner Muralitharan, Kanchipuram District Joint Commissioner Vanmathi, and Chengalpattu District Assistant Commissioner Letsumikanthan Bharathidasan, led the takeover. The temple’s funds were sealed, and banners announcing the Charity Department’s control were displayed.

(With inputs from Maridhas)

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