DMK cadres resort to malpractice during issuance of COVID relief

Reports of the DMK resorting to malpractice during the distribution of the government-issued COVID relief has  come to light. DMK cadres in Thathakapatti in the Salem district had snatched away the tokens that had been kept for distribution to the public. These tokens were to be used to avail the government issued cash relief of ₹2000.

The public had to wait in the hot sun in long queues in vain. The DMK then proceeded to threaten the officer at the ration shop saying that the distribution of tokens will only be done by them and not him. This was the case in over 10 public distribution centres throughout the village.

A few members of the public even got into an argument with the members of the DMK regarding this issue. In a few centres, the DMK members threatened the press that had gathered there and prevented them from filming. In a few other centres, the DMK members fled the scene when they noticed that the crew was filming their malpractice.

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