In a tragically comic incident, people who were promised money by DMK cadres to attend the party’s Gram Sabha meet were left high and dry with just tea and vadai.
Residents of Malaiyadipatti near Rajapalayam in Virudhunagar district were made to attend the Gram Sabha meet presided by DMK MLA S. Thangapandian and District Secretary Ramachandran. They were promised money and other gifts for which tokens were also issued. Believing their words, people attended the meeting.
However, they were just given a single cup of tea and vadai at the end of the meeting. Reportedly, some of them were not even given the vadai.
Sensing trouble, the DMK organizers fled the scene with empty vessels who were chased by dismayed people including children.
For a Grama Sabha meet at Virudhunagar dist, DMK members have distributed token promising them money if they participate in the meet. After the meet, only Vada and Tea was given to them. That too Vada was not distributed to everyone.
What a Vada Poche moment!#திருட்டு_திமுக
— Pranesh Rangan (@PraneshRangan) January 3, 2021