Dindigul West BJP District President Palani Kanagaraj, who exposed a private liquor shop selling alcohol illegally early in the morning in front of the media, has been arrested by the Tamil Nadu police. He released a video of the expose on his social media account in which he claimed that the liquor shop and bar were functioning 24 hours illegally, selling alcohol in non-prescribed hours.
திண்டுக்கல் மேற்கு மாவட்டத் தலைவர் அண்ணன் கனகராஜ் அவர்கள் கைது. pic.twitter.com/aVvK9AyYdS
— Palani N.kanagaraj (சாமானியனின் குரல்) (@Palanikanagaraj) January 5, 2025
Palani Kanagaraj had exposed the liquor shop doing business in the early in the morning after BJP workers were lodged in a marriage hall for attempting to carry out a protest rally against the Anna University Sexual Assault Case. As he was addressing the media reporters, he took them to show the liquor shop selling liquor at 9 AM.
“Come behind me for a minute. This is the marriage hall where we’ve been lodged. Look the police inspector sitting there. Now come and look at the brandy shop here. The time is 9 AM and business is happening. 24 hours this bar is open. Tamil Nadu government and police, the DMK government can’t give protection to women but they’re selling liquor openly in public in the morning. And the inspector is sitting outside with 50 police. This is the reality of the Tamil Nadu police protecting people. This is the proof of the disgusting governance of DMK”, Palanikumar said in the video.
அறவழியில் போராடுபவர்களுக்கு தடை போடும் திமுக அரசு அறமற்ற முறையில் மது விற்பனை செய்ய ஊக்குவிப்பதை தோலுரித்துக் காட்டிய பாஜக திண்டுக்கல் மேற்கு மாவட்டத் தலைவர் திரு.@Palanikanagaraj அவர்கள்..! pic.twitter.com/KDaj3IwGj9
— En Mann En Makkal (@EnMannEnMakkal) January 3, 2025
A case was been filed against him for barging inside the private liquor shop and allegedly threatening the workers there. He has been charged under BNS sections 191(2) – punishment for rioting, 329(4) – criminal trespass, 296(b) – obscene acts, 115(2) – voluntarily causing hurt to another person, 351(3) – criminal intimidation by threatening to cause death or grievous hurt, or to cause the destruction of any property by fire.
Following this, Palani Kanagaraj who was returning to Palani by car after going to Kodaikanal, was arrested by the police at the Ayyambulli check post.
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