On 8 December 2024, Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai, criticized Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) chief and actor turned politician Vijay for attacking the BJP over the Manipur issue, urging him to first develop “basic common sense” before commenting on such matters. Annamalai spoke to reporters, pointing out that Vijay should understand the origins of the Manipur issue, its history, the geography of Northeast India, and the broader geopolitical factors involved.
Speaking to the press Annamalai said, “If Vijay is willing to visit Manipur, I am ready to accompany him and show him around Manipur. My humble request is that it’s time for Vijay to develop a basic common sense, especially now that he’s entered politics. He has been in cinema at great heights, great actor and like by everyone and when saying a statement.”
Speaking to the press, Annamalai said, “If Vijay is willing to visit Manipur, I’m ready to accompany him and show him around Manipur. My humble request is that it’s time for Vijay to develop some basic common sense, especially now that he’s entered politics. He has achieved great heights in cinema, is a great actor, and everyone’s favorite actor.” Annamalai continued, “When making political statements, should understand the geopolitical implications, what Manipur is, what’s the real problem, and what’s the problem with tribal living there? who comes from Myanmar? We’ve been talking about this drug triangle repeatedly—what it means? Under whose regime did Manipur face the worst of its problems? How many people died during the Congress rule, and how many have died under the BJP’s 10 years in power? Why did this issue arise in the first place? Even when a specific tribal group burned the chief minister’s house from our own party, the police present there didn’t shoot anyone. There is no solution with guns. The BJP’s chief minister’s house was burnt, ministers’ homes were torched, and party members’ houses were torched and looted. You could say we can invoke the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Manipur, is that for the women of Manipur protested against it naked during the Congress regime in a time?”
Then Annamalai elaborated on the improvements in the North East under the BJP regime, highlighting enhanced security measures and the reduction of harsh policies previously imposed by the Congress government. He also debunked TVK Vijay’s attempt to label the BJP as a Hindutva party, explaining the strength and coalition of BJP-led states, and asserting that this narrative won’t last long.
Annamalai also responded to Vijay’s attempts to target the BJP as a Hindutva party in a bid to gain the support of Christian and Muslim voters. He reminded Vijay that the BJP had won in Goa and Nagaland, where Christians form a majority, and added that in Tamil Nadu too, both Christian and Muslim communities were increasingly supporting the BJP.
Common sense இல்லாம பேசிய விஜய்க்கு பாடம் எடுத்த தலைவர் @annamalai_k pic.twitter.com/BVqzMSoaSQ
— Krishna Kumar Murugan (@ikkmurugan) December 8, 2024
Shifting his focus to VCK deputy general secretary Aadhav Arjuna, Annamalai suggested that the VCK was no longer under the leadership of Thirumavalavan. He raised doubts about whether Aadhav’s recent criticisms of the DMK were a part of a larger scheme by the DMK itself. “Some are asking if this is a conspiracy to divide anti-DMK votes—criticize the DMK, get expelled from the VCK, and then join another party to attack the DMK even more,” Annamalai said.
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