Denmark, the lockdown-exit champion

Denmark is leading the world with their lockdown exit strategy, as four weeks post a phased exit from lockdown, citizens started coming out to cafes and restaurants with the confidence that the COVID-19 virus was well under control.

Denmark opened its schools, day-cares and small enterprises last month, post a steadily falling reproduction rate and coronavirus death rates.

Contrary to their European neighbours, their citizens were highly receptive to the warnings by their government, and strictly followed social distancing. Further, their citizens are less likely to hug and kiss as a form of greeting, which has also been a factor in limiting the spread.

“I think in Denmark there’s a strong culture of following the rules and listening to the government, and I think that has helped with everyone taking the restrictions and social distancing seriously,” said Sydney-Johanna Stevns, a strategist at a research and design lab in Copenhagen.

According to experts, Denmark is now ‘highly unlikely’ to be hit by the second wave.