A Delhi court has directed the registration of an FIR against journalist Rana Ayyub based on a complaint accusing her of insulting Hindu deities and spreading anti-India sentiment through her posts on the social media platform X.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Himanshu Raman Singh of the Saket Courts observed that “prima-facie” cognizable offences under Sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups), 295A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class), and 505 (statements conducing public mischief) of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, were made out against Ayyub.
“In view of the facts and circumstances, the complaint discloses commission of cognizable offences for which an FIR is warranted. Present application under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C is allowed. SHO Cyber Police Station, South is directed convert the contents of complaint as FIR and investigate the matter fairly,” the court stated.
The complaint was filed on 11 November 2022, by lawyer Amita Sachdeva via the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. Sachdeva alleged that Ayyub consistently used her social media platforms to insult Hindu deities, malign the unity of India, and promote hostility toward Indian citizens, including the Indian Army.
It was further alleged by Sachdeva that despite follow-ups, no action had been taken on her complaint, prompting her to file an application under Section 156(3) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) for the registration of an FIR.
The judge noted that the preliminary inquiry report categorized the complaint’s allegations as non-cognizable. However, the court held a different view, stating, “Considering the gravity of the allegations, the Court is of the view that it is expedient to order investigation in the present matter in exercise of the judicial power under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. The facts pleaded by complainant are such which necessitate intervention of State machinery in the form of police investigation and the complainant would not be in a position to collect evidence.”
The case will now be investigated by the Cyber Police Station, South, as directed by the court.
(With inputs from LiveLaw)
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