Debunking Claims Made By Alleged “Fact-Checking” Portal YouTurn On Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana

In a video posted on Twitter/X by the alleged fact-checking portal YouTurn, claims were made regarding the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana, suggesting that the scheme promotes ancestral/clan-based or family occupation.

YouTurn run by one Dravidianist Iyan Karthikeyan is certified by an “international fact network” – Poynter Institute which in turn is a beneficiary of Pierre Omidyar’s Omidyar Network and Open Society Foundation run by notorious billionaire George Soros. 

The video posted by YouTurn raised several specific claims about the scheme, which we will address and debunk.

Claim 1: Those who have been following their ancestral occupation, which is allegedly based on caste, are the only eligible beneficiaries of this scheme.

Fact: There is no provision in the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana that selects beneficiaries based on their caste. This claim is entirely untrue. The scheme does not discriminate based on caste or require individuals to adhere to any specific caste-based occupation.

Claim 2: The occupation designated for a particular caste should be given preference under the scheme.

Fact: The scheme does not prioritize any particular occupation based on caste. It is designed to support individuals in the unorganized sector, helping them with training, incentives, loans, equipment purchases, and marketing assistance. The scheme is open to those who wish to acquire training and funding for self-employment, irrespective of their caste.

Claim 3: Families must practice the designated trade to benefit from the scheme.

Fact: It is not a requirement for parents or family members to have practiced a specific trade for an individual to benefit from the scheme. The scheme aims to assist those who want to establish or expand their own businesses in the unorganised sector.

There is no mention that the person must have been practicing this trade in their family. The scheme aims to develop traditional crafts and techniques. Some of the eligible trades include:

Image Source: PM Vishwakarma website

Benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana:

  1. Free training opportunities.
  2. Incentives during training, with a daily allowance of ₹500.
  3. Loan assistance at a 5% interest rate, initially up to ₹1 lakh and later up to ₹2 lakhs.
  4. A subsidy of ₹15,000 for the purchase of necessary equipment.
  5. Support in marketing initiatives.
  6. Incentives for conducting digital transactions.
Image Source: PM Vishwakarma website

The DMK has also introduced subsidies for farmers to acquire electric motors and extended support to auto drivers for purchasing autos. When viewed through this lens, it appears that the DMK is also encouraging self-employment initiatives, akin to the concept of promoting traditional/family businesses.


The YouTurn video criticised the scheme without providing substantial evidence to support its claims. Instead of fact-checking, the anchor in the video appeared to focus on caste-related issues for approximately 20 minutes.

The claims made in the YouTurn video regarding the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana promoting caste-based ancestral/clan businesses are baseless. The scheme does not discriminate based on caste and aims to support individuals in the unorganised sector who wish to establish or expand their own businesses. The video’s focus on caste-related issues lacks substantial evidence to corroborate its claims.

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