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Complaint filed against Christian missionary organization and its head for FCRA violation and hate speech against Hindus and PM Modi

Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF), the NGO watchdog that has constantly been reporting on illegal activities of foreign funded NGOs has filed a complaint against a Christian NGO named ‘Harvest India’ and its chief functionary Suresh Kumar, for indulging in proselytization activities and violating FCRA laws.

Details of the complaint

Following suspicions around their illegal activity, LRPF filed a complaint against the organization. The complaint sheds light on explicit details about how the organization has established more than 1500 ‘community centres’ all over the country for proselytizing purposes. In addition to this there are over 1500 to 2000 pastors working in the organization as well as in various other places undercover. This complaint goes ahead to list the various instances where the organization had conducted events called ‘crusades’ to induct new members to their religion as well as train religious preachers for this purpose. The complaint questioned how an organization that was supposed to be a not for profit body could gain so much money for missionary activities.

The complaint states that there also seems to be deeper forces at play as a gigantic church that has a seating capacity of hundreds of people has been built amongst other fixed assets that the organisation has invested in. It has been alleged that there has been no records of any money spent for construction of churches from the government’s end.

In addition to this, Harvest India has not shown any records of utilisation of FCRA funds for paying the pastors or the maintenance of churches.

Chief functionary indulges hate speech against Hindus and PM Modi in USA

Suresh Kumar, the Chief Functionary of Harvest India attended the Mission Conference 2018 held at Biola University, USA three years ago. Clippings of this event show him badmouthing the country’s Prime Minister at a conference held in a foreign country, no less.

The video showed him saying the following: “Right now, we are under Hindu rule. Our Prime Minister, he is a bad guy. He doesn’t want any Christians in India. He wants to make India as only Hindu country. So many pastors killed in last 5 years. Many missionaries, they send them out. There is unrest, turmoil. Pastors are killing, Churches are burning. The government is not doing anything. Brutal mentality, we are struggling. We do not know what is going happen tomorrow to Christianity in India, to Church in India but I am believing powerful god on our side. Next year we have election, please pray. I don’t want this party to come back. This guy is doing so much bad for Christianity”.

“I shared about the nation of India. Pastors are beaten, churches are burning. 5 years churches are struggling. Hindu militants posting videos in social media – husband and wife pastors stripped naked, made to walk naked just for bearing the cross of Jesus Christ.” he says.

In addition to this, they are constantly seen speaking ill about Hinduism and justify their conversion process, saying that Christianity is a more ‘equal’ religion in comparison.

Legal violations

It has been found that the committee that runs it is comprised of people who are non citizens of India and are here on a visa. Notably, many of these people are here on an expired visa. LRPF states that these so-called pastors who come in for ‘conversion’ purposes, and more often than not, overstay their welcome.

In light of all this, the LRPF has written to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action against the NGO and its head.

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