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Class 10 NCERT Textbook Calls ‘Sanatanis’ As “Conservative High-Caste Hindus”

Recently, the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) revised its textbooks for class 10-12 in which a few portions have been removed.

Here are the chapters that have been removed in the revised textbooks.

1. Class 12 History ‘Themes in Indian History-Part II’ no longer includes chapters on ‘Kings and Chronicles; the Mughal Courts (C. 16th and 17th centuries)’.

2. Class 12 Civics book, two chapters (‘American Hegemony in World Politics’ and ‘The Cold War Era’) has been removed.

3. Class 12 Polity, The ‘Indian Politics after Independence’ has removed the two chapters ‘Rise of Popular Movements’ and ‘Era of One Party Dominance’.

4. Class 11 textbook ‘Themes in World History’ no longer includes chapters like ‘Central Islamic Lands’, ‘Clash of Cultures’, and ‘Industrial Revolution’.

5. Class 10, ‘The ‘Democratic Politics-II’ textbook has undergone changes, including the removal of chapters on ‘Democracy and Diversity’, ‘Popular Struggles and Movements’, and ‘Challenges of Democracy’.

Now, netizens have pointed out a fallacy that exists in class 10 history textbook India & the Contemporary World-II.

In Page 43 of chapter 2 titled Nationalism in India the term “Sanatanis” is defined as “Conservative High Caste Hindus”.



Sanatani is a Sanskrit term that literally means eternal or everlasting. It also denotes a person who follows Sanatan Dharma (eternal way of life) or Hinduism as we know it.

The definition of Sanatani used by NCERT is the same trope used by DMK, VCK and other Dravidian Stockist anti-Hindu elements to spread canards about Hindus demonizing them as a society which does caste discrimination.

The word “Caste” is a British Construct, as the Hindu Varna system never divides society on the basis of ascription but only on merit & achievements; as in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Shloka 41.

ब्राह्मणक्षत्रियविशां शूद्राणां च परन्तप |
कर्माणि प्रविभक्तानि स्वभावप्रभवैर्गुणै: ||

Translation: The duties of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras—are distributed according to their qualities, in accordance with their guṇas (and not by birth).

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