China state broadcaster CGTN spews anti-Semitism on the ongoing violence in Gaza

The Israeli embassy in China has protested against state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) for blatant anti-Semitism on the ongoing violence in Gaza.

It all started when CGTN broadcast host Zheng Junfeng during a broadcast said that there are concerns over US support to Israel because of the influence that the Jewish lobby has over the US foreign policymakers and accused the US of using Israel as a ‘beachhead’ in the middle-eastern world as a proxy to defeat pan-Arabism, Associated Press reports.

The embassy from its official Twitter handle said, “We are appalled to see blatant anti-Semitism expressed in an official Chinese media outlet, we have hoped that the times of the “Jew’s controlling the world” conspiracy theories were over, unfortunately anti-Semitism has shown its ugly face again,”

Beijing has openly supported Palestine during this conflict with Jerusalem as it tried to cozy up to Iran. It must also be noted that China does not officially recognize Judaism as a religion.

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