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British-Afghan porn star Yasmeena Ali calls Taliban as ‘barbaric caveman’ afraid of educating women

British-Afghan pornographic actress and human rights activist Yasmeena Ali who left Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the country in the 1990s said, the Taliban are scared of educating women, reports Timesnownews.

She said, “All the rules are only for men’s advantages and pleasure. If you are on your period you are considered unholy, dirty. Without women, there would be no human race but they have a problem with female sexuality because they are afraid of losing control,”.

Yasmina now goes by the name of Khadija Cohen after she converted to Judaism when she was nineteen years old and later married pornographic director David Cohen is the leading porn star from Afghanistan. 

Her family was so enraged when she converted to Judaism and made porn videos, they hired a hitman to have her killed by offering 70 thousand dollars.

Now Yasmeena Ali has become an advocate for women’s rights and “condemns liberal activists who turn a blind eye to the violation of these rights by Islam“.

She called the Taliban, subjugator of women and they will do anything to maintain their status quo and they in order to maintain their position of power. 

Ali said, “Those men love power. It is a barbaric caveman mentality. It is about power and the control you have over somebody,”.

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