Tamil Nadu BJP President K. Annamalai has criticized the DMK government for failing to take strong action in past cases involving the murders of anti-quarry activists has led to the death of another activist in Thirumayam, Pudukottai district. He warned the DMK government that it would face serious consequences if the case is mishandled by only arresting the lorry driver and others, while allowing the true perpetrators remain unpunished.
On 19 January 2025, Annamalai via his official X account stated, “The news that Jagbar Ali, the Secretary of the District Amateur Kabaddi Association and a prominent social activist from the Thirumayam area of Pudukottai district, has been killed by mineral resource looters who ran him over with a lorry is very shocking. Jagbar Ali played a major role in the successful conduct of the Modi Kabaddi League matches in Pudukkottai district. He was active in various fields, including natural resource conservation and the prevention of mineral resource theft. Regarding the mineral theft, even after he met with the Thirumayam Taluk tahsildar and complained 15 days ago, raised the issue with the Assistant Director of the District Mineral Resources Department and the District Collector multiple times, but no action was taken. Now, he has been sacrificed. Tamil Nadu is ruled by anti-social elements and looters to the extent that those who work with the noble aim of protecting natural resources are losing their lives. If government officials and social activists who try to stop the looting of minerals are being killed, what can we say except that the DMK government has emboldened them by repeatedly stating that they can loot sand within ten minutes of coming to power? The DMK government has set a very bad precedent by not taking action against the mineral looters and betraying the person who filed the complaint by revealing his identity. We demand justice for Jagbar Ali’s death. Not only the mineral thieves, but all the officials who failed to take action on the complaints he made are responsible for his death. A proper investigation should be conducted, and action should be taken against all of them. Furthermore, I warn that the DMK government will face very serious consequences if it tries to divert the case by arresting only the lorry driver and others, leaving aside the real culprits behind this murder—the mineral looters.”
புதுக்கோட்டை மாவட்டம் திருமயம் பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்த, மாவட்ட அமெச்சூர் கபடி கழகச் செயலாளரும், சிறந்த சமூக ஆர்வலருமான திரு. ஜெகபர் அலி அவர்கள், கனிம வளக் கொள்ளையர்களால் லாரி ஏற்றிப் படுகொலை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளார் என்ற செய்தி மிகுந்த அதிர்ச்சியளிக்கிறது.
புதுக்கோட்டை மாவட்டத்தில், மோடி… pic.twitter.com/0vbJKZFSPz
— K.Annamalai (@annamalai_k) January 19, 2025
Current Case Status
On 19 January 2025, the Thirumayam police arrested four individuals, including a lorry owner, in connection with the suspicious death of activist K. Jagbar Ali. The 58-year-old AIADMK member and outspoken critic of illegal mining was reportedly killed after being run over by a lorry near Thirumayam on 17 January 2025.
Jagbar Ali, a resident of Vengalur in Thirumayam taluk, was well-known for his efforts to combat illegal quarrying in the area. According to reports, on 17 January afternoon, Ali was returning home on his two-wheeler after attending prayers at a mosque when a lorry struck him, resulting in his immediate death.
Ali’s wife, Maryam, filed a complaint at the Thirumayam police station on the next day, alleging foul play. She explained that her husband had frequently raised concerns about irregularities in local stone quarries and had even taken legal action in the Madurai High Court against illegal mining operators. Maryam further stated that Ali had previously reported receiving death threats from those involved in the illegal activities. She believes the lorry deliberately ran him over.
Ali’s brothers, who were reportedly witnesses to the incident, also suggested that the manner in which the lorry struck Ali raised suspicions of premeditation. In her complaint, Maryam pointed out that individuals associated with a quarrying company in Thulaiyanur might be connected to the incident and called for a thorough investigation to uncover the truth.
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