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BJP state president Annamalai’s bid to revive the party magazine ‘Orey Naadu’

Annamalai has urged party cadres and functionaries to avoid shawls, garlands, and sweets when greeting him, and has urged cadres to use the money for party’s magazine ‘Ore Naadu’ subscriptions.

“The state president’s appeal increased online subscription inquiries by 60%, and we are delighted with the surge in new online subscriptions to our fortnightly,” said Nambi Narayanan, editor of ‘Ore Naadu.’

“We closed down our print circulation due to overheads and were just able to manage the break-even, but this announcement by the state president has boosted the morale of the magazine staff and now we will reach out to more karyakarta’s to spread the agenda and the objectivity of BJP,” Narayanan said.

According to BJP sources, the concept is similar to what Dravidian stalwarts Annadurai and M Karunanidhi did to boost subscriptions to the DMK party newspaper Murasoli.

“We are confident that like our vote bank, the party’s mouth organ will now reach to more homes and this will force the BJP workers to read a lot and help them to be a better campaigner for the BJP which is trying hard to strengthen its vote bank in the Dravidian heartland,” BJP sources said.

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