Tamil Nadu BJP state secretary SG Suryah has strongly criticized the DMK government and the Kovilpatti municipality for removing the name of Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar from the Daily Market in Kovilpatti and replacing it with “Kovilpatti Municipality Daily Market.” He questioned whether, under the current DMK regime, any public buildings or institutions can bear the name of anyone other than former Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
Following public outcry over the municipality’s decision to remove Muthuramalinga Thevar’s name on 28 January 2025, the authorities only applied simple stickers with his name to the board. In response, SG Suryah condemned the action and called on the government to formally restore and inscribe Muthuramalinga Thevar’s name.
கோவில்பட்டி நகராட்சி தினசரி சந்தை பெயர் மாற்றம் #Thoothukudi #Kovilpatti #TamilNews #TNgovt pic.twitter.com/DduLD8W40D
— ABP Nadu (@abpnadu) January 28, 2025
In a statement on 29 January 2025, SG Suryah wrote on his official social media, “The Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar daily market in Kovilpatti has been renamed as Kovilpatti Municipal Daily Market. Have you decided that no other leaders other than Karunanidhi should be named during the DMK regime? There can be projects, bus stand, and libraries in the name of Karunanidhi but they are determined to change it no matter who else’s name it is in. This action of the DMK government is an insult to Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar, who lived with the principles of nationalism and divinity. Chief Minister Stalin, during his visit to Pasumpon for the Thevar Jayanti festival, disrespected him by wiping off the sacred ash from his forehead once. Now, they’ve also deliberately erased Muthuramalinga Thevar’s name. After public backlash, it is learnt that the Kovilpatti Municipality has placed a sticker with his name of Muthuramalinga Thevar on the name board. It is condemnable that, despite the outrage, they haven’t acknowledged their mistake. On behalf of Tamil Nadu BJP, we demand that the name of Muthuramalinga Thevar be formally restored and inscribed.”
கருணாநிதி பெயர் தான் எல்லா இடத்திலும் இருக்க வேண்டுமா?
முத்துராமலிங்க தேவர் பெயர் என்றால் தி.மு.க-வுக்கு கசக்குமோ?
கோவில்பட்டியில் பசும்பொன் முத்துராமலிங்க தேவர் தினசரி சந்தையை கோவில்பட்டி நகராட்சி தினசரி சந்தை என பெயர் மாற்றியதற்கு கண்டன அறிக்கை! pic.twitter.com/F0VIEB6MBT
— Dr.SG Suryah (@SuryahSG) January 29, 2025
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