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BJP issues three-line whip to MPs of both houses to be present on the floor on August 10 and 11

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday (August 9) issued a three-line whip to its party Members of Parliament in Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha to be present in the House tomorrow Tuesday (August 10).

“All BJP members in Rajya Sabha are hereby informed that some very important business will be taken up for discussion and passing in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday, August 10 and Wednesday, August 11. All members of BJP in Rajya Sabha are therefore requested to be positively present in the House throughout all both days and support the Government,” the BJP said in a notice.

This explicit instruction has sent the opposition into a frenzy as the month of August in the last two years has proven to be the time when the Modi government took some very important decisions. 

Right now the opposition has been disturbing the proceedings in the parliament from day one with regards to the Pegasus issue and accusing the government of not allowing any discussions in these troubled times of pandemics.

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