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Bill developed relationship with pedophile Jeffery Epstein believing he would help him win Nobel Peace Prize

As per reports published in the Daily Beast, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates specifically developed a relationship with pedophile Jeffery Epstein which “was a maneuver to try to get himself a Nobel Peace Prize.”

Epstein had died under mysterious circumstances in prison which many call murder because he knew the names of several powerful men who were part of his ring that allowed them to have sex with underage girls. Also, it was reported that Bill Gates had stayed at Epstein’s townhouse in New York several times.

Gates believed that Epstein who was well connected with some very powerful people could help him secure the Nobel Peace Prize and this information was released to the Daily Beast by a former Gates Foundation employee.

“We were aware of things that were potential reputational risks for the foundation and the co-chairs, Bill and Melinda,” the former employee said. “Even back then, people knew this guy wasn’t squeaky clean,” the person added referring to Jeffery Epstein.

“He [Gates] thought that Jeffrey would be able to help him, that he would know the right people, or some kind of way to massage things, so he could get the Nobel Peace Prize, which is what Bill wants more than anything else in the world,” the Daily Beast quoted the former employee as saying. “I think he was ultimately disappointed it didn’t work out,” the person added.

A spokesperson for Bill Gates has denied that he sought help from Jeffery Epstein to earn himself the award. “While a Nobel Prize would certainly be a great honor, it is false to state that Bill Gates was ‘obsessed’ with the honor, set it as a goal, or campaigned for it in any way,” the spokesperson said.

He stated, “If Epstein had a plan or motivation to insert himself into any processes related to any awards or honors on behalf of Gates, neither Gates nor anyone he works with was aware of his intentions and they would have rejected any offers for assistance.”

After it was announced that Bill Gates and Melinda Gates were to divorce, the controversial billionaire’s relationship with Epstein has attracted great scrutiny. 

The Wall Street Journal had reported that Melinda Gates who was married to Bill Gates for 27 years and has three children with him was concerned over her former husband’s relationship with the pedophile.

It must also be noted that Gates is against pharmaceutical companies giving up intellectual property rights to vaccines.

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