Belgian royalty tested corona-positive

Belgium’s 28-year old Prince Joachim has been diagnosed corona positive upon returning from a get-together. He is the nephew of Belgium’s King Philippe, and the 10th to the crown.

The Belgian royal spokesperson was heard saying that the 28-year old prince tested positive after returning from a party in Cordoba, Spain. He had travelled there for an internship on May 24, and had attended a party comprising of 27 people. The Spanish media has said reported that this party broke a number of lockdown rules.

The Prince had attended the party along with 26 other people — even though in the province of Cordoba, the maximum number of people permitted to meet is currently 15. All the attendees of this party have now been quarantined.

An investigation has been launched into this matter by the police department and the party-goers could be facing a fine between 600 and 10,000 euros.