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Baloch Human Rights Council asks G7 to act against Pakistan for crimes against humanity

As the G7 nations unveiled their ambitious Build Back Better World (B3W) policy initiative to counter the predatory Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) has urged the Group of Seven (G7) leaders to investigate the heinous crimes committed by Pakistan in the region.

The BHCR has made claims of systematic genocide in Baluchistan by Pakistani security forces as the region has been given to China to exploit.

In a memorandum addressed to the G7 leaders, BHCR urged them to send a UN fact-finding mission to investigate the extra-judicial killings and mass disappearances of the Baloch political and social activists and initiate cases against them in the international court of justice in The Hague who have committed heinous crimes against humanity in Baluchistan.

“The Baloch are facing a systematic genocide. They are pinning their hopes on getting support from the international community. In the face of heinous crimes being committed by the Pakistani security forces in Baluchistan, the silence of the international community is incomprehensible,” said Samad Baloch, General Secretary of BHRC.

The BHCR then gave multiple classifications of crimes against humanity being committed in Pakistan which includes the enforced disappearance of political and social activists, extra-judicial killings, the formation of death squads by the army, rape camps, the formation of proxy Islamic militant religious organisations, open patronisation of the narcotics business, and the ruthless exploitation of natural resources by Chinese corporations.

Samad Baloch in his memorandum said, “Pakistani officials have accepted more than 6000 missing persons, and we genuinely believe that their lives are in grave danger. Abductions of students, doctors, teachers, journalists, and human rights activists are taking place daily in Baluchistan. The irony is that the Pakistani army is fighting a war in Baluchistan without witnesses. The whole province has been declared a no-go area for even the national journalists for the last 15 years,”.

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