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‘AP is different now, Christianity has spread like wildfire’, Christian Pastor Shalem Raju issues threat to political parties

After the coming of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, the Christian evangelists in the state seems to have been given a free pass. One pastor named Shalem Raju, a Christian evangelist has issued a warning to political parties to not “mess with Christians who are now in lakhs of numbers”.

In a video which has gone viral, the pastor can be seen and heard saying that those who will attempt to challenge Christians will only bite the dust.

Pastor Raju in his speech dared the ex-CM Chandrababu Naidu or anyone from Telangana and said they must be very careful about what they say.

He said, “What many of them don’t know is that Christianity has now spread across the state just like water spreads under a mat (meaning very rapidly and widely). Let them not harbour silly thoughts because if they do, no matter which party they belong to they’ll simply have to bite the dust. They think that it is only Dalits who have accepted Christianity but they are mistaken. I myself belong to another varna and have accepted the path of Jesus. There are lakhs of people like me who have embraced Christianity. I have embraced the right path but many of them have still not accepted the true God and are still Hindus.”

The Pastor now wants to open the eyes of Hindus whom he calls ignorant as they continue to construct temples instead of accepting the true God as he has.

Pastor Shalem Raju is a Hindu convert to Christianity and runs Thandri Sannidhi Ministries (altar of father/Jesus Ministry).  Pastor Shalem Raju is not the only one to issue threats to Hindus. A recent video making the rounds on social media shows pastors threatening Hindu devotees and the temple priest for objecting to conducting Christian prayers within the temple premises in Andhra Pradesh.

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