37-year-old Gnanasekaran, a roadside biriyani vendor from Kotturpuram facing multiple cases, has been arrested in the sexual harassment case involving a second-year Anna University student based on CCTV footage. The Kotturpuram police have filed a case under section 64 of the BNSS and are continuing their investigation.
The incident occurred on 23 December, when the victim, who had been in a two-year romantic relationship with a fellow student, was meeting her boyfriend at their usual secluded spot on campus. Two unknown individuals approached them, attacked the boyfriend, and then sexually harassed the woman. The perpetrators forced the student to strip, filmed her without her consent, threatened her, and fled the scene. The traumatized student reported the incident to the Kotturpuram police.
Although reports initially suggested that the CCTV cameras were not functioning due to rain damage, the Higher Education Minister Govi Chezhiaan confirmed that the arrest was based on available CCTV footage.
#BREAKING || அண்ணா பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் சிசிடிவிகள் பழுது.!#Police #AnnaUniversity #Studentd #Harassment #NewsTamil #NewsTamil24x7 pic.twitter.com/vVaHq59I9X
— News Tamil 24×7 (@NewsTamilTV24x7) December 25, 2024
The victim has also filed a complaint with the university’s POSH committee. The Chennai police are working with the university to strengthen campus security. Authorities have not yet issued an official statement on the matter.
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