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After Lord Murugan, ‘Periyarists’ and DMK mouthpieces attack Lord Ram

In yet another targeted attack against Hindus and their beliefs, ‘Periyarists’ and members of the DMK and its mouthpieces have started maligning Lord Ram calling him a ‘migrant’ (Vandheri) and other abuses, after Nepal’s Prime Minister comment yesterday (July 13) about Lord Ram belonging to Nepal and that ‘real Ayodhya’ is in Nepal.

The DK, DMK and Communist groups have now pounced on the absurd claims made by Nepal’s PM and have started creating distasteful memes.

Isai SD, State Deputy Secretary of DMK IT Wing shared a meme captioning it as “Our MCs (meme creators) are the best!”


Isai SD with DMK Chief MK Stalin

DMK mouthpiece and sympathizer Savukku Shankar and a prominent Twitter user share the following posts on his timeline.

In this tweet, Savukku insults Lord Ram by making comparisons with the Tamil movie Nepali

In the above picture, a Twitter user by the name (Joker in Tamil) writes “Dei! You shouted for boycotting foreign products. But now it looks like you guys have ‘looted‘ a ‘foreign God‘”

In the above picture shared by Savukku Shankar it says “Sanghis tried to put poonool (sacred thread) and saffron robe for Tiruvalluvar. But Nepalis have now put a cap on Ram and made him a gurkha”.

The above statement not just insults Lord Ram and but also denigrates Gorkhas of Nepal, a community that shares a rich bond with India with even a regiment in their name in the Indian army.

One Jeyachandran, a DMK supporter says that Lord Ram is from Nepal and those who object to this should show birth certificate of Lord Ram prove that he is Indian (an apparent reference to NRC).

Another DMK office bearer by the name Karthik Bala Subramanian also shares memes insulting Lord Ram.

Another picture shared by the user “Samooga Aaivaalan” with a picture of Karuppar Koottam (a rabid Youtube Channel that puts vulgar videos on Hindu Gods) shares a meme in which it calls Ram as “Nepali Nikki”.

This too insults both Lord Ram and calls racial slurs against Nepalis.

Earlier today, the Youtube Channel Karuppar Koottam  run by a group of Dravida Kazhagam (DK) and Communist ideologues and sympathizers of (DMK) was booked for their vulgar videos on Lord Murugan.

Time and again, Hindus and Hindu Gods have been under attack from DK (Periyarists), DMK and Communist groups under the garb of rationalism.

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