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After Galwan faceoff, China tries to open up new fronts along Ladakh

India Today has reported that Chinese People’s Liberation Army have started to mobilise its troops to the east of Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) and Depsang Sectors after Galwan face-off.

New camps and vehicle tracks were spotted in the region at the start of the month while a Chinese camp is present to the east of DBO since 2016.

Similarly, the Indian Army has anticipated that China may open a new front in Depsang – the sector which it used as an incursion point in 2013.

In late May to counter China’s movements, India had mobilised in Depsang and a similar deployment was carried out by the army in Daulat Beg Oldie.

Even after talks of disengagement and settling the issue via talks, it has been observed that China continues its military build-up along the various points of LAC.

Satellite images show that Chinese have again erected structures near the June 15-16 faceoff area (PP 14) when the camps were destroyed.

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