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Afghanistan ambassador’s daughter in Pakistan kidnapped and tortured in Islamabad

In a clear violation of international laws, the daughter of Afghanistan’s ambassador to Pakistan, Najibullah Alikhil was briefly abducted and tortured before she was released.

As per information released by the Afghan foreign ministry said on Saturday (July 17) “The daughter of the Afghan ambassador to Islamabad Ms. Silsila Alikhil, was abducted for several hours and severely tortured by unknown individuals on her way home,”.

The ambassador’s daughter was kidnapped on July 16 and right now Alikhil is under treatment at a hospital in Islamabad, reports The Indian Express.

The Afghan embassy and consulates in Pakistan strongly condemned this violation of diplomatic laws and consular missions in Pakistan said, “While the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs is following the matter with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, we urge the Pakistani government to identify and prosecute the perpetrators at the soonest possible time.”

This incident of kidnapping happened after Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban and  and said, “more than 10,000 jihadi fighters” have entered Afghanistan from Pakistan in the last month, and that Islamabad had failed to convince the Taliban to participate “seriously” in the peace talks which Imran Khan called “unfair” to blame Pakistan for the situation in Afghanistan.

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