Bigg Boss host, full-time actor and part-time politician Kamal Haasan’s recent birthday celebration took an unexpected turn, sparking criticism and debate across the internet. Celebrating his 69th birthday on 7 November 2023, Kamal Haasan met with fans at the RK Convention Center in Neelankarai, Chennai, where his actions stirred controversy.
During the event, fans from various parts of Tamil Nadu eagerly gathered to meet the actor and presented him with gifts. They were made stand in serpentine queues and Kamal was standing behind a barricade with bouncers pushing one fan after another in a few seconds.
As enthusiastic fans approached Kamal Haasan for a handshake, the actor reportedly refused and only greeted the fans with a namaste. The fans, seemingly disappointed, lingered for a few moments before leaving the place. This incident has triggered a debate online, with many questioning Haasan’s actions and interpreting them as a deviation from the norm of treating everyone equally.
— TamilTalkiesVid (@ttnVids) November 9, 2023
Critics have drawn parallels between this incident and Kamal Haasan’s previous statements about not encouraging acts like falling on one’s feet, which he deemed as a form of subservience. Social media has been flooded with criticism, with some even connecting the incident to #JusticeForPradeep, a contestant from the reality show “Bigg Boss.”
Kamal Haasan, who ventured into politics by contesting in the Coimbatore South constituency in the 2021 elections, faced a narrow defeat. Since then, there has been a notable shift in the dynamics of his political party, Makkal Needhi Maiam, with key executives joining other parties, predominantly the DMK.
Some netizens have also questioned if this behaviour is a new form of “untouchability” that the actor was practicing.
கமலின் நவீன தீண்டாமை?
பொதுமக்கள் மற்றும் ரசிகர்கள் பலர் ஆர்வத்துடன் பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்து சொல்ல வந்தும்.. நாலாபுறமும் இடைவெளி ஏற்படுத்தி.. குறுக்கே தடை அமைத்து.. வணக்கம் போட்ட கமல்.
இவரிடம் கை குலுக்கி, பக்கத்தில் நின்று புகைப்படம் எடுக்க ஆசைப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு ஏமாற்றம்.
— Blue Sattai Maran (@tamiltalkies) November 9, 2023
Critics also compared Kamal’s behaviour with that of actors Vijay and Rajinikanth who gladly take selfies and shake hands with their fans.
The actor’s recent behavior at his birthday celebration maintaining a distance from fans and refraining from handshakes or photographs, left many of his admirers disheartened. Despite the presence of bouncers attempting to manage the crowd, their efforts fell short, resulting in arguments with party workers and a palpable sense of disappointment among the fans.
On the other hand, there was a separate birthday party thrown for Kamal at Chennai where all celebrities from the cine field had come. In this, Kamal was seen taking photographs with Amir Khan, Suriya Sivakumar and other celebrities.
Kamal Haasan With Amir Khan – Suriya – Shiva Rajkumar – Vishnu Vishal At Kamal Haasan Birthday Party #kanguva #surya43
— RAMUNAIDU VIJAYAWADA SFC (@RamuNaiduEdit) November 7, 2023
(with inputs from One India Tamil)
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