US Senators Urge Bangladesh’s Interim Government To Protect Minority Communities, Hindu American Foundation Praises Move

In what is seen as a significant move, four senators of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee have written a letter to Professor Muhammad Yunus, the interim Chief Adviser in Bangladesh, urging his government to address human rights violations, reform institutions, and safeguard minority communities, including Hindus and Rohingya refugees.

The letter, signed by Senators Ben Cardin, Chris Murphy, Jeffrey Merkley, and Chris Van Hollen, comes at a time of historic transition in Bangladesh following mass protests that led to the resignation of the former government. The senators congratulated Yunus on becoming the interim leader in Bangladesh but also expresseddeep concernover the recent violence against protestors by Bangladesh’s security forces. We mourn the lives that were lost and urge your interim government to create a credible process to conduct an independent and impartial investigation into the security services’ human rights violations, the letter read.

The protests in Bangladesh, which saw citizens demanding the end of authoritarian rule, were met with brutal repression. Security forces, including the Rapid Action Battalion, reportedly killed hundreds of protestors, while thousands were arrested or injured.

The letter also highlighted the ongoing violence in Bangladesh, particularly against police and minority Hindu communities, following Yunus’s assumption of leadership. While many celebrate this new chapter in Bangladesh, a concerning volume of those celebrations have turned violent, with documented reports of reprisals targeting police as well as minority Hindu communities and those perceived to be supporters of Sheikh Hasina’s government. As a result, the country has witnessed gaps in law enforcement and lack of protections for those facing violent attacks, including members of the Hindu community and Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazaar.the letter stated. This violence has raised alarms ahead of the Durga Puja festival, a time of heightened attacks on Hindu temples in Bangladesh.

The Hindu American Foundation praised the senators’ letter, noting that it is the first formal acknowledgment from the U.S. government regarding the violent attacks against Bangladeshi Hindus since Yunus’s interim government took control. The Foundation is also calling for formal hearings on this critical issue.

The senators expressed their concerns about law enforcement gaps, particularly regarding the protection of minority groups and Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazaar. They urged Yunus to take these threats seriously, commending his promise to continue supporting over one million Rohingya refugees sheltered in Bangladesh. It is only by ensuring that all communities residing in Bangladesh are protected under the law that Bangladesh can meet its promising future,they noted.

The letter concluded with a hopeful tone, encouraging Bangladesh’s interim government to seize the opportunity for meaningful reform. Now, more than ever, it is important for Bangladeshis to unify – by coming together and by rebuilding an inclusive government that fully harnesses Bangladesh’s tremendous potential.”

As Bangladesh navigates this period of transition, the U.S. Senate has pledged its support, stating that they stand ready to assist Bangladesh during this critical period to ensure a successful transition to a democracy truly representative of the will of the Bangladeshi people.”

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