Highlights of PM Modi’s address to Jawans in Ladakh 11000 ft high

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a surprise visit to Ladakh on Friday (July 3) to review the security situation in the region. He was briefed by Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat and Army Chief MM Naravane. He interacted with the personnel of Army, Air Force and Indo-Tibetan Border Force. Later he addressed the Jawans at Nimoo.

Here are the highlights of the PM’s address:

Prime Minister Modi said, “The bravery that you and your compatriots showed, a message has gone to the world about India’s strength”

“The bravery of 14 Corps will be talked about everywhere. Tales of your bravery and valour are echoing in every house in the country.” he said.

“Your courage is higher than the heights where you are posted today.” Prime Minister Modi said.

“Bharat Mata’s enemies have seen your fire and fury”

Those who are weak can never initiate peace, bravery is a pre-requisite for peace – PM Modi

“Age of expansionism is over; this is the age of development. History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back”

I am looking at women soldiers in front of me. In the battlefield at the border this view is inspiring….Today I speak of your glory – PM Modi

“Whether World Wars or peace, whenever the need arises, the world has seen the victory of our braves and their efforts towards peace. We have worked for the betterment of humanity”

We are the same people who pray to the flute playing Lord Krishna but we are also the same people who idolise and follow the same Lord Krishna who carries the ‘Sudarshana Chakra’ – PM Modi

Nimu/Nimoo is located 11,000 feet high surrounded by the Zanskar range of Himalayas along the banks of the Indus river.

Source: ANI