US buys out entire world stock of Remdesivir from Gilead sciences

The United States has virtually bought out the entire inventory of Gilead Sciences’ Remdesivir, which is the first approved drug for the treatment of coronavirus infection. This means that no other country in the world will have access to this drug for the next three months. This has alarmed experts all over the world us this unilateral decision by the USA has outmaneuvered every other country’s access to the medical supplies.

Notably, the first 140,000 doses of this drug have already been sold out for drug trials. Following this, the Trump government has now bought more than 500,000 doses is which amounts to the total inventory of Gilead Sciences thus far.

As this deal was announced, one fact that became clear was that the number of cases in the United States has spiralled out of control.

Speaking about this, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told that the US was sliding backwards. “We are going in the wrong direction,” said Fauci. Last week the US saw a new daily record of 40,000 new coronavirus cases in one day. “I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around,” he said. He could not provide an estimated death toll, but said: “It is going to be very disturbing, I guarantee you that.”

Close to 2.5 million confirmed cases have been recorded in the United States, and this move has only tightened the ‘America first’ attitude that has been recklessly adopted by the Trump government.