Telangana: Villagers petition NCSC to stop illegal Church construction allegedly part of Joshua Project

Villagers belonging to the Chinna Kishtapur in Siddipet district of Telangana have filed a complaint with the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) regarding an illegal Church construction in their village allegedly to be part of the Joshua Project.

The villagers belong to the Mala community which comes under the Scheduled Castes. They have mentioned that a person named Israel, from the neighbouring village got converted to Christianity and has started constructing a Church in Kishtapur in violation of the Andhra Pradesh Government Order.

They have said in their complaint that despite multiple representations made to the Mandal Parishad Development Office, concerned officials have completely ignored the appeals and are supporting the construction of illegal Church with their intentional inaction.

“Construction of a Church in a village where no Christians exist is completely an act specifically aimed at converting poor and gullible Hindus, especially those belonging to Scheduled Castes into Christianity. It raises strong suspicion among our villagers that there is an International Conspiracy is there behind this whole episode through which we, the villagers are targeted to get converted to Christian Religion, which is a part of infamous ‘Joshua Project’.”, the complaint stated.

The complaint also stated that the inaction of the District officials including the District Collector against the unauthorized construction of Church, even after multiple reminders from the villagers, raises serious doubt they being part of the international conspiracy called ‘Joshua Project’.

The complaint also points to how the Joshua Project has documented the Mala community in detail to convert them into Christianity.

“From local administration to district officials, they are treating us as second grade citizens of India, not even responding to our issues, moreover making us scapegoats in the international conspiracy of converting Hindus to Christianity. We are being threatened for raising our issues. Our Right to Live peacefully without any fear and right to have protection from the State have been suppressed thereby our Right to Equality has became questionable.”, the complaint said adding that their right to peacefully practice and propagate their religion is being hindered because of Christian missionary activities.

In this light, they have petitioned the NCSC to take action against the concerned officials and stop the illegal construction of the Church.

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