Interest-free agricultural loans for 7.65 lakh farmers in Chattisgarh

The Chattisgarh Government on Saturday announced that 7.65 lakh farmers received interest-free agricultural loans worth ₹2721 crore for kharif crops in the state.

“The target of distributing loans of ₹4600 crore is set for this year for the farmers of the state for the kharif season. With reference to the target, interest-free short-term agricultural loans worth ₹2721 crores has already been disbursed to 7.65 lakh farmers for the current kharif season,” a press release from the state government read.

Last year, the agricultural loans worth ₹1583 crore was disbursed. Thus an additional loan disbursement amounting to ₹1183 crore has been made this year, compared to the last year. The State Government said that the Seed Corporation has stored 5.88 lakh quintals of certified improved varieties of seeds for the kharif crop via the cooperative societies.

“As on June 26, a total of 4.52 lakh quintals have been lifted by the farmers. In the same duration last year, storage of 4.98 lakh quintals of certified seeds and distribution of 2.88 lakh quintals of certified seeds were ensured for farmers via cooperative societies,” the press release said. Additional 1.68 quintals have been distributed more than last year.

“As the monsoon arrived on time and scheduled arrangement of agricultural inputs, the state has increased the possibility of good production of kharif crop this year. So these are the positive signs of improvement in the economic lives of farmers and rural areas,” the press release concluded.

Source: ANI