Taliban looks the other way while Uyghur Muslims fear of being extradited back to China

After the Taliban took over Kabul on August 15 and enforced its will over the people of Afghanistan, a large number of Muslims across the world called it the victory of the Ummah, Islamic community, however, there is now growing unease in the Uyghurs population in Afghanistan who now fear they will be sent back to China.

The Uyghurs living in Afghanistan fear that they will be extradited back to China and then end up in Chinese concentration camps or reeducation camps because of the growing affinity between the Taliban and the Communist state.

After the Taliban Islamists seized control of Afghanistan after US troops were taken out in a hurry, thousands of civilians and foreigners, NGOs are now trying to flee but the country’s estimated 2,000 Uyghurs have no other option except to return to China where they will be seen as secessionist.

There are also reports that the Taliban are now going into homes of people from the Uyghur community and kidnapping girls, Radio Free Asia reported and already there is enough information documenting the complicity of Pakistan and Afghanistan in China’s transnational repression of Uyghurs.

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