UK to lift ban on convicted Islamic jihadist Anjem Choudary’s public speaking

Pakistani British and radical Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary will soon be allowed to speak in public as his ban will soon be lifted as conditions that were imposed after his release from prison. 

Choudary was sentenced to five and a half years in prison in 2016 after being convicted of soliciting support for the Islamic State group. He also advocates for an extreme interpretation of Islam and believes in supreme Islamic ideology. He referred to the 9/11 terrorists as “magnificent martyrs” and refused to condemn the 7 July 2005 London bombings.

He was released on license from HMP Belmarsh in 2018 with more than 20 conditions, including a ban on public speaking and speaking to the media, which will now automatically expire at midnight.

Other restrictions included restricted internet and mobile phone use, as well as a prohibition on contacting people who may be suspected of extremist-related offenses without prior approval.

Also, he had to wear an electronic tag and abide by a night-time curfew, only attend pre-approved mosques and stay within a set area, and having regular meetings with probation officers.

Choudary had to be constantly monitored by the Police and probation services under the system known as multi-agency public protection arrangements and his name was added to a UN sanctions list, which meant he was banned from traveling and had assets frozen.

Before he went to prison, Choudary headed, the Al-Muhajiroun (ALM) network, and it must be noted that ALM has been linked to propagate hardline Islamic ideology like the imposition of the Sharia law and multiple attacks and plots in the UK and abroad and the three attackers that killed eight people at London Bridge in 2017 were led by a former ALM member.

Chaudhary was also the leader of Islam4UK with ambitions to implement the Shariah not just in Muslim countries but also in Great Britain.

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