As US leaves Afghanistan, Islamic terror groups LeT, JeM and Taliban to join forces to wage global Jihad

As American forces leave Afganistan after twenty years, a French think tank. the Centre for Analysis of Terrorism in its analysis has warned that Kashmir-focused Pakistani terror outfits are now active in Afghanistan and are planning to target India and its interests, reports Economic Times.

The report by the French think tank states there is going to be a resurgence of the Taliban and more operational coordination between Pakistan army-supported groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and the Taliban.

The report titled “Pakistani Jihadis and Global Jihad” has emphasised that Pakistan-based terror outfits like JeM and LeT have long maintained links with international terror outfits and it never severed their link with Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.

The report particularly asserts that the “synergies between regional groups in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and the transnational groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS are a matter of concern”.

According to the think tank years of Islamic radicalisation of Pakistani society with and promotion of radical Islamist ideology will be advantagious and will provide these jihadi groups with a ready ground for recruiting radicalised youth, willing to carry out coordinated terror attacks or lone wolf attacks in any part of the world.

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