Congress Toolkit row: Business partner of RaGa, Sonia Faleiro promotes ‘Indian Strain’ and ‘Modi Strain’

As the “Toolkit” to defame India and the Modi Government allegedly prepared by the Congress party unravels, it has emerged that writer Sonia Faleiro who happens to be the daughter of former Member of Parliament and senior Congress leader, Eduardo Faleiro had coined and promoted the term, “Modi Strain”.

Sonia Falaro said, “The Modi variant has made its way to Bangladesh, East Africa & the UK, proving that like its namesake it also prefers foreign travel to staying at home,”.

In her tweet, she also said, “I have named the so called Indian variant the Modi variant in honour of the person most directly responsible for it & also because the PM likes to name things after himself,”.

As India fights back with its indigenously developed vaccine and the new drug 2-Deoxy-D-glucose developed by DRDO, many took to social media to lash out at the Congress party saying that under the rudderless leadership of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, the party is doing everything to undermine the spirit of Indians, build a poor image of India abroad by supporting narratives and to bring aspersion on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In the toolkit, it was specifically mentioned to refer to the virus strain as the “the Modi strain” and “Use the phrase Indian strain whenever talking of the new mutant. Social media volunteers may call it ‘Modi strain’,” point 6 e) of the toolkit had advised.

However, after doing some close scrutiny, it turns out that Sonia Falaro who is married to Ulrik McKnight is a close business associate of Rahul Gandhi and a partner in Backops, the consulting firm Gandhi had founded in 2003. Rahul Gandhi had declared that he owned 83% of the shares in Backops when he filed his nomination during the 2004 General Election.

As the Congress party claims that this toolkit is fake, it cannot counter that people who have a very close connection to Rahul Gandhi are connected to it.

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