Animal baby births skyrocket in Palestinian zoo due to complete absence of visitors

A significant baby boom was witnessed in Palestine’s Qalqilya Zoo, as visitors completely vanished. Fifteen animals were born in the tiny zoo at West Bank, as the zoo was shut down for visitors for the past few months. The officials said that this birth rate was three times more than usual.

Peacocks, ostriches and baboons – these were all the animals that gave birth during this period, as they let nature take its course free from human distractions. It is to be noted that the baboon that gave birth had relatively lesser inclination to nurse it. The zoo doctor had to take it home and feed it.

While talking about it, the zoo veterinarian Sami Khader said, “The coronavirus spread at the same time that trips were expected at the zoo. They were cancelled and therefore the animals started to give birth”.

The zoo reopened in late May as Palestinian officials eased COVID-19 restrictions. Now zoo managers hope the new-born attractions will be enough of a draw to compensate for 200,000 lost visitors.