For the first time in history, no leader will be attending UN General Assembly meeting in September

The UN Assembly held in the month of September every year will not include the world leaders this time, President of UN General Assembly announced.

This is the first time in the last 75 years of its history that the UN Assembly annual gathering will not have the presence of world leaders in it. This year General Assembly was to see a large number of leaders at UN headquarters to celebrate the founding of the United Nations in 1945.

However, Tijani Muhammad-Bande said in his communication in the news conference that the announcement will soon be done about the 193 state heads giving their speeches on the world issues in the General Debate of the assembly.

He also clarified ahead that the world leaders will not able to join the assembly in New York as they don’t travel individually but in groups of delegations. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had recommended last month that the General Assembly that takes place from the last 74 years and was supposed to celebrate its 75th Anniversary this year, needs to be scaled back due to the coronavirus crisis.

Adding on, Muhammad-Bande said that the 75th year of the signing of the Charter of the United Nations will not be celebrated as a single day event but will be celebrated yearlong starting from June 26.