1.25 crore migrant workers reach home via special trains, Home Minister Amit Shah says

Home Minister Amit Shah addressing a virtual public rally in Bihar informed that the Modi government has allocated ₹11,000 crores for the welfare of migrant workers. He added that so far, more than 1.25 crore migrant workers have reached their home towns in special trains with free food being served to them.

COVID – 19 has threatened the world and have also been spreading faster in India with the country reporting rising number of cases over the past few days. The country has been under lockdown for the past two months bringing businesses to halt. Currently the fifth phase of lockdown is in force with restrictions based on the level of COVID threat in an area.

Migrant workers are the most affected due to the COVID19 lockdown as they got struck away from their homes without being able to work for a living . In light of this, the government had arranged free special Shramik trains for the return of migrant workers to their home towns.