Twitter has targeted to make half of their global workforce to comprise of women by 2025. Women currently constitute 42.2% of Twitter’s employees all over the world as per their latest “Inclusion and Diversity Report”.
It is also targeting to make 25% of its overall us workforce to contain underrepresented minorities and at least 10% of that to comprise Black employees by 2025.
“These numbers aren’t nearly big enough, especially in technical and leadership roles, but they do show that Twitter strives to be a leader of our industry when it comes to representation of Black employees,” Dalana Brand, Twitter’s Head of Inclusion & Diversity, wrote in a blog post on Wednesday. “It’s one of the first messages we deliver to all new Tweeps on Day One in #FlightSchool, our new hire orientation,” Brand said.
In addition to this, it is also aiming to empower its workers with course is like “Healthy Conversations” which helps workers navigate uncomfortable topics in the workplace, “Words Matter” that aims to curb microagressions, and “Allyship @ Twitter” which aims to build healthy relationships between underrepresented people and other employees.